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Welcome!    You will find UK-friendly producers, retailers and service businesses here.

Britannia holds a piece of wood and a barn owl sits on it.

This site is your gateway to hundreds of listings with links leading to over 100,000 products and services.



We will help you easily include UK products and services and UK businesses as options when spending.



We all need to see the UK return to prosperity, and considering UK businesses and giving them a little bias is something each of us can do. 


Go for it!

Tinkerbelle is putting on a bracelet with Peter Pan and an Indian watching.

UK Jewellery

Tinkerbelle knows that quality jewellery makes a statement. Use QD to find a piece and make a statement about you.

barn owl sitting on bullion

UK Gold & Silver

Is it time for you to look at investing in precious metals?

UK Pets

When choosing pets and pet products, please spend a few minutes seeing what we have listed.

UK Travel Agents

Please give UK travel agents, tour operators, and our tourist industry a shot! There has been a lot of consolidation (foreign takeovers), so many operators you think are British are not, and their bottom line profit is exported.

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