ashwood nurseries
The merchandise
SHRUBS - Speciality Hellebores. Hellebores. Speciality Cyclamen. Cyclamen. Speciality hepaticas. Hepaticas. ROSES - Roses. Specialitysnowdrops. Snowdrops. Camellias. Heathers. Grasses. Rhododendrons. Ferns. Alpines. Specialityhydrangeas. Hydrangeas. Specialitylewisias. Lewisias. Climbing/wall Plants. Specialityprimula Auricula. Primula Auricula. Fruit And Edibles (Blackcurrant, Rasberry, Strawberry, White Currant, Red Currant, Blackberry, Gooseberry, Loganberry, Boysenberrytayberry, Goji Berry). HERBACIOUS - Herbaceous. Specialitysalvias. Salvias. Speciality Young Plug Plants. Young Plug Plants. & lots more
WILD FLOWERS - Collections. Musk Mallow. Selfheal. Wild Marjoram. Wild Clary. White Campion. Vervain. Common Teasel. Tansy. Small Scabious. Red Campion. Ragged Robin. Purple Loosestrife. Primrose. Ox-eye Daisy. Snow Drops.
TREES - SpecialityConifers. Conifers. Apple trees.
OTHER MERCHANDISE - Birds And Wild Life. Potting And Propagating. Fertilisers. Pest Control. Weed Control. Disease Control. Lawn Products. Garden Tidy. Tools, Gadgets & Sundries. Gloves. Hanging Baskets. Plant Support And Ties. Watering And Spraying. Compost, Bark And Mulches. Garden Furniture. Books on Gardening.
extra search word(s) - garden centres plant nurseries.