green flag . green flag rescue


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GreenFlag Limited
A UK Service producer or provider or otherwise a UK friendly spend
UK Services provider
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The Services

brief intr. of what is offered
vehicle breakdown help


VEHICLE BREAKDOWN POLICIES & VEHICLE BREAKDOWN HELP for Cars, Vans, Motorbikes & Motorhomes, Caravans & Trailers.

extra search word(s) - LV Liverpool Victoria Insurance is a rival. The AA  (Automobile Association) and the RAC are also rivals. yy

An owl sits on a branch ready to fly.
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The rival company LV is owned by the German giant Allianz Insurance. The note helps those searching to prefer a UK company within QD criteria. The AA and RAC fall into the same category and are mentioned for the same reason.
Breakdown insurance policies offer cover for the UK & Europe for members of the public & businesses.


Geographical scope
all UK
Sales via
Internet & contact


Head office town/city & country
Leeds Yorkshire England UK

Contact Information

Contact options
0800 400 600 & +44 141 349 0516
QD notes
(A) Cat2 search is sometimes better,

Author Info


Member since 2 years ago
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