gardening express


Business owner
Gardening Express Ltd
A UK Producer or otherwise a UK friendly spend
yes Producer & seller of UK white-label products
Price range
. . . . £ economy

The merchandise

brief intro. of what is produced
online garden centre - plants & trees esp. for smaller spaces + gardening tools


GROWING STOCK - Flower Bulbs. Bedding Plants. Climbing Plants and Vines. Bamboos and Bamboo Plants. Ferns – Hardy Garden Fern Plants. Hedges & Hedging Plants. Ornamental Grasses. Palms & Palm Trees for Patio and Garden. Perennial Plants & Herbaceous Perennials. Shrubs & Trees. Topiary. Roses. Patio Plants. Trees - Young, Semi-mature and Larger Trees. Tropical & Exotic Plants. Conifers. Pond Plants & Aquatics. Everything's Just £1! selection.Spring Flowering Bulbs - Pick & Mix. Low maintenance plants.

HOUSE PLANT TYPES - Indoor Foliage Plants. Flowering Indoor Plants. Carnivorous Houseplants. Large Houseplants. The Unkillables. Pet-Friendly Houseplants.

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The customer feedback is classified as 'Great' by Trust Pilot but there have been quite a few unhappy customers.
There is a Price Promise system. + There is a five-year plant & tree product guarantee system. There are ts & cs for these.
The company is also a Retailer of other merchandise :

GARDEN TOOLS - Cutting and Pruning Tools. Digging Tools (spade, fork,). Garden Hand Tools (hand fork, trowel). Garden Watering Cans. Rakes and Weeding Tools. Sacks & Trugs

WILD BIRD CARE PRODUCTS - Feeding Tables, Suet Balls Bird Bath. Hedgehog and Insect Houses..

MISCELLANEOUS - Garden Sundries And Essentials. Garden Furniture & Outdoor Living. Outdoor Pots & Planters. Compost & Decorative Bark. Cover Pots. Weed Control Products. Pest-control Products. Hanging Baskets. Lawn Care Products. Garden Irrigation Products. Gardening Gloves. Garden Winter Products.


Geographical scope
UK mainland excluding parts of the Scottish Highlands
Sales via
Internet basket

The business

Number of listings


Head office town/city & country
Leigh On Sea, Essex, England, UK

Contact information

Contact options & form on contact page
Contact Address
1386 London Road, Leigh On Sea, Essex, England,
Zip/Post Code

Author Info


Member since 3 years ago
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