
Business owner(s)
Ashwood Nurseries Ltd
A UK Retailer
yes UK Retailer
Price range
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The merchandise

Brief intro. of what is offered
This is a garden centre,


SHRUBS - Speciality Hellebores. Hellebores. Speciality Cyclamen. Cyclamen. Speciality hepaticas. Hepaticas. ROSES - Roses. Specialitysnowdrops. Snowdrops. Camellias. Heathers. Grasses. Rhododendrons. Ferns. Alpines. Specialityhydrangeas. Hydrangeas. Specialitylewisias. Lewisias. Climbing/wall Plants. Specialityprimula Auricula. Primula Auricula. Fruit And Edibles (Blackcurrant, Rasberry, Strawberry, White Currant, Red Currant, Blackberry, Gooseberry, Loganberry, Boysenberrytayberry, Goji Berry). HERBACIOUS - Herbaceous. Specialitysalvias. Salvias. Speciality Young Plug Plants. Young Plug Plants. & lots more

WILD FLOWERS -  Collections. Musk Mallow. Selfheal. Wild Marjoram. Wild Clary. White Campion. Vervain. Common Teasel. Tansy. Small Scabious. Red Campion. Ragged Robin. Purple Loosestrife. Primrose. Ox-eye Daisy. Snow Drops.

TREES - SpecialityConifers. Conifers. Apple trees.

OTHER MERCHANDISE - Birds And Wild Life. Potting And Propagating. Fertilisers. Pest Control. Weed Control. Disease Control. Lawn Products. Garden Tidy. Tools, Gadgets & Sundries. Gloves. Hanging Baskets. Plant Support And Ties. Watering And Spraying. Compost, Bark And Mulches. Garden Furniture. Books on Gardening.

extra search word(s) - garden centres plant nurseries.

A barn owl is standing on a bunch of long grass ready to fly.
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The range covers thousands of items. Some plants listed are seasonal sales so not available all year.
The delivery specifics can be accessed via the link below.


Geographical scope
all UK
Sales via
Internet basket & walk-in nursery
Locations etc or other
Walk-in nursery at Kingswinford West Midlands England UK


Head office town/city & country
Kingswinford West Midlands England UK

Contact Information

Contact options
01384 401996 & form on contact page
Contact Address
Ashwood Nurseries Ashwood Lower Lane Kingswinford West Midlands
Zip/Post Code

Author Info


Member since 3 years ago
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