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Business owner(s)
Marks and Spencer Group plc & HSBC (also listed by QD)
A UK Service producer or provider or otherwise a UK friendly spend
yes Services provider
Special status etc
The company has stores in other countries and so earns foreign exchange which helps with the UK 'Balance of Payments'.

The Services

brief intr. of what is offered
Banking & Insurance Services



B - DIGITAL BANKING - M&S Banking app. M&S Internet Banking.

B - CREDIT CARD - M&S Credit Card. M&S Credit with Card Shopping Plus.

B - PERSONAL LOANS -Car Loans. Home Improvement Loans. Wedding Loans. Debt Consolidation Loans. Holiday Loans.

B - SAVE & INVEST - Instant Access Accounts. Cash ISA Accounts. Fixed Rate Savings Accounts. Unit Trust Funds.

B - SPARKS SCHEME -  You can join, and buy some M&S things using this seamless system and if you want you can pay later without an interest charge. There are conditions of course.   

B - TRAVEL MONEY - Buy Travel Money. Sell Travel Money (buy-back service).

~~ INSURANCE ~~Car Insurance. Home Insurance (buildings insurance. contents insurance.) Pet Insurance (dog insurance. cat insurance. dog & cat health.) Travel Insurance(single-trip travel insurance, multi-trip travel insurance).

more search words - personal banking.

A barn owl is standing on a bunch of long grass ready to fly.
Let me fly you to * M&S Bank *. Click me!




You can earn shopping connected Reward Points with your M&S credit card.
M&S Bureaux for changing money are located in 100 M&S stores nationwide.
The company may also offer Life Insurance. If you require such a service then please inquire.
FSCS protection ican be seen using the link below.
M&S was founded in 1884. It is a solid oak of UK business. + A link for you to check-out the loan rates is below.


Geographical scope
all UK
Sales via
These services are online except the currency exchange transactions which can take place in any of 100 stores.


Head office town/city & country
London England UK

Contact Information

Contact options
There are many contact options on the help page. There is a floating chat tab on all site pages.
QD notes

Author Info


Member since 3 years ago
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