interactive investor services
- yes Services provider
- share dealing & investments services
- all UK & international
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B - DIGITAL BANKING - M&S Banking app. M&S Internet Banking.
B - CREDIT CARD - M&S Credit Card. M&S Credit with Card Shopping Plus.
B - PERSONAL LOANS -Car Loans. Home Improvement Loans. Wedding Loans. Debt Consolidation Loans. Holiday Loans.
B - SAVE & INVEST - Instant Access Accounts. Cash ISA Accounts. Fixed Rate Savings Accounts. Unit Trust Funds.
B - SPARKS SCHEME - You can join, and buy some M&S things using this seamless system and if you want you can pay later without an interest charge. There are conditions of course.
B - TRAVEL MONEY - Buy Travel Money. Sell Travel Money (buy-back service).
~~ INSURANCE ~~Car Insurance. Home Insurance (buildings insurance. contents insurance.) Pet Insurance (dog insurance. cat insurance. dog & cat health.) Travel Insurance(single-trip travel insurance, multi-trip travel insurance).
more search words - personal banking.