Prestige Valuations


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Business owner(s)
Jewellery Validation Service Ltd (Michel Wilson)
A UK Service producer or provider or otherwise a UK friendly spend
UK Services provider
Price range
.......£ professional

The Services

brief intr. of what is offered
High quality valuations of jewellery, watches, antiques, handbags and fine art + Complete jewellery & watch services,



JEWELLERY SERVICES - Bespoke Jewellery Creation.  Jewellery  Remodelling. Jewellery Repair & Restoration. Valuations and Verifications including  Jewellery Claw Check.

WATCH SERVICES - Watch Authentication. Watch Polishing & Watch Bracelet Repairs.

VALUATION SERVICES - Antiques. Fine Art. Jewellery. Watches.

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JEWELLERY VALUATIONS Prestige Valuations provide high quality valuations services for jewellery, watches, antiques, handbags and fine art. An easy way for the valuation to be done is for us to help sort the transportation and then for the jewellery to be valued at one of our offices. There are other options as you will see on our site. If this is a service you need then do get in touch and let our experts help you. BESPOKE JEWELLERY At Prestige Valuations, we can achieve anything you want in terms of design. That special diamond or ruby ring you have always wanted is easily achievable. The Directors of Prestige Valuations have been making jewellery in Hatton Garden for the last 35 years and during that time have worked with some of the finest craftsmen in Europe using some of the most advanced techniques. Combining this skill, expertise and knowledge enables us to make the most exquisite bespoke pieces of jewellery that have delighted and enthralled our customers.
Are you thinking of buying an engagement ring? There is a lot to consider. Using the guide on our website will help you.


Geographical scope
Based in Birmingham, London & Manchester.
Sales via
own branches
Locations etc. or other
BIRMINGHAM OFFICE at 3 Brindley Place, Birmingham, B1 2JB MANCHESTER OFFICE at Peter House Oxford Street, Manchester M1 5AN For London office see below.



Head office town/city & country
London, United Kingdom

Contact Information

Contact options
0207 242 9933
Contact address
7th Floor, 63-66 Hatton Garden, London
Zip/Post Code
QD notes
(A) Cat2 search is sometimes better,

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Member since 8 months ago
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