
Business owner
RHS Enterprise Ltd
A UK Producer or otherwise a UK friendly spend
yes Producer
Price range

The merchandise

brief intro. of what is produced
trees, plants, vegetable seeds etc


ALL - Pot Peonies. Pot Alliums. Perennials. Shrubs. Bulbs. Climbers. Hydrangeas. Bedding Plants. Indoor Plants. Specimen Shrubs. Grasses. Roses. Hedging. Trees. Fruit Trees. Vegetable Seeds. Ferns. Alpines. Herbs. Pond Plants. Conifers.

FRUIT TREES - Plum Varieties Like ‘Marjorie’s Seedling’. Apple Varieties Include ‘Reverend W. Wilks’, ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ (Self-fertile), ‘Little Pax’, And ‘Bramley 20’. Fig ‘Brown Turkey’. Greengage ‘Reine-claude Vraie’. Cherry Varieties Include ‘Sweetheart’ And Stardust (‘13-7-70’) (Pbr). Dwarf Mulberry Mojo Berry (‘Matsunaga’) (Pbr). Mulberry ‘Giant Fruit’. Pear ‘Obelisk’. Apple Eden (‘Sjca38r6a74’). Cherry ‘Athos’. Mulberry ‘Chelsea’. Gage ‘Stella’s Star’ (Pbr). Greengage ‘Early Transparent’.

TREES FOR SMALL GARDENS- Japanese Cherry. Crab Apple Amelanchier. Hawthorn Rowan. Flowering Dogwood. Japanese Maple. Silver Birch. Mountain Ash. Ornamental Pear.

SUMMER BULBS - Dahlia Bulbs. Lily Bulbs. Paeonia Tubers. Potted Bulbs. Crocosmia Bulbs. Anemone Bulbs. Gladioli Bulbs. Iris Bulbs.

INDOOR PLANTS - see below

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There have been some poor reviews of the days out events of the Society.
The range is massive. For example, there are 163 kinds of vegetable seeds and 165 kinds of pond plants. + There is a five-year plant guarantee. All fully hardy plants (all hardy shrubs, trees and perennials) are guaranteed for 5 years from purchase, and other plants for their first flowering season, provided all instructions are followed.
You can become a member of the Society.
INDOOR PLANTS - Stephanotis floribunda: A fragrant, flowering vine also known as Madagascar jasmine1.
Spathiphyllum wallisii ‘Bellini’: Commonly known as peace lily, it’s a popular choice for its air-purifying qualities1.
Goeppertia crocata ‘Tassmania’: An attractive plant with dark green leaves and orange flowers1.
Aloe vera: Well-known for its medicinal gel, this succulent is easy to care for1.
Phalaenopsis Orchids: Also known as moth orchids, available in various colors and sizes1.
Saintpaulia varieties: Commonly called African violets, they have fuzzy leaves and colorful flowers1.
Codiaeum ‘Mammy’: A type of croton with brightly colored, variegated leaves1.
Anthuriums: Known for their bright spathes and contrasting spadix, they make striking houseplants1.
Azalea simsii: These are small, flowering shrubs that can bring a splash of color indoors1.
Vriesea: A genus of bromeliads, known for their interesting foliage and flower spikes1.
Dahlia bulbs. Lily bulbs. Paeonia tubers. Potted bulbs. Crocosmia bulbs. Anemone bulbs. Gladioli bulbs. Iris bulbs.


Geographical scope
Northern Ireland is excluded. Sorry!
Sales via
Internet basket & its own garden centres in England.
locations etc. or other
RHS Harlow Carr (North Yorkshire). RHS Hyde Hall (Essex). RHS Rosemoor (Devon). RHS Wisley (Surrey). RHS Bridgewater (Greater Manchester).

The business

Number of listings


Head office town/city & country
London UK

Contact information

Contact options
01344578822 & there is a form accessible via the Contact Page & you can contact one of their garden centres
Contact Address
RHS Enterprise Ltd, 80 Vincent Square, London
Zip/Post Code

Author Info


Member since 3 years ago
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